Gummy Smile Treatment

Embrace the smile you deserve with our Gummy Smile Treatment, a specialised procedure designed to enhance the harmony of your smile. At Wellface, we understand that the beauty of a smile transcends aesthetics, reflecting the essence of your confidence and joy. Our expertly administered Botox treatments subtly adjust the contour of your upper lip, reducing excessive gum visibility and creating a balanced, radiant smile. Tailored to your individual needs, our approach ensures a natural, satisfying result that aligns with your unique facial features and personal style.

What Is Botox/ Muscles-Relaxant For Gummy Smiles?

Some people have a very high upper lip, resulting in a ‘gummy/horsey smile,’ where excessive teeth and gums are exposed when they smile. This condition can be uncomfortable for many, diminishing their confidence during smiling and laughing. Administering a very low dose of Botox into the specific muscle that elevates the upper lip can significantly improve this issue, preventing the lip from lifting too high when smiling. The results can be transformative, greatly enhancing confidence without the need for surgery or downtime.

How Does It Work?

Muscle relaxant injections, with botulinum toxin (Botox) as the key active ingredient, are prescription-only medications sourced exclusively from UK pharmacies. Botox is used to decrease the activity of specific muscles, thereby reducing their contractions.


All treatments include an initial consultation and a review appointment after 2 weeks.
Gummy Smile Treatment
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Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does a Gummy Smile Treatment Take?

The gummy smiles procedure takes approximately 5–15 minutes to complete the 2-3 small injections in the appropriate places. Your appointment will usually be booked for 30-45 minutes to ensure there is plenty of time to discuss your medical history, aftercare instructions, and to answer any questions you may have.

How Long Does the Gummy Smile Treatment Last?

The treatment can last between 3 to 5 months. The more regularly you maintain your treatment, the longer its effects can last.

Can I Get Lip Fillers Done at the Same Time as Gummy Smiles Treatment?

Yes, you can have lip fillers with this treatment, but for the best results, it is ideal to treat the gummy smile first. After 2 weeks, when the treatment has taken full effect, lip filler treatment can be performed to maximise your smile.

What Are the Most Common Side Effects of Gummy Smiles Treatment?

Some people experience small spots of bruising where the medicine has been injected. This bruising is usually minor, can often be easily covered up by makeup, and typically disappears within 1 to 2 weeks.

How Quickly Can I See the Effects of a Gummy Smiles Treatment?

It takes 4 to 10 days for the effects to show. Most people start to notice an improvement within a week, and this continues as treatment is maintained on a regular basis every 3 months or as advised by Dr. Yasmin.

Is a Review Appointment Included in the Price?

All treatments include a 2-week review appointment to check the progress of your treatment and ensure you are happy with the results. Before and after photos are usually taken to observe the progress.

What Happens If I Need a Top-Up?

At the 2-week review appointment, a top-up dose can be administered where appropriate to ensure you achieve the best results from the treatment.

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